IN THE NEWS: An emerging trend is worrying skin cancer experts: Young adults are not concerned about protecting themselves from the sun. A recent online survey of more than 1,000 people…
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Lakewood, Calif. — UCI Health ― Lakewood is proud to be awarded the Get With The Guidelines® Stroke Gold Plus with Target: Stroke Honor Roll and Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll…
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Irvine, Calif. — UC Irvine researchers will collaborate with Ambry Genetics and PacBio to study the underlying biology of Mendelian rare diseases. Mendelian disorders — which include cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular…
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IN THE NEWS: Recently published research documents a sad reversal in a decades-long decline in child deaths in the United States. A study published May 4 in the Journal of…
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Orange, Calif. — Every year during Nurses Week, UCI Health honors the nurses and friends of nurses who help sustain this great organization with their commitment to excellence. Nominations were made…
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Orange, Calif. — Last week, UCI Health marked National Hospital Week by celebrating the commitment and camaraderie of its co-workers at all locations in Orange and Los Angeles counties. This year’s…
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Orange, Calif. — Last week, UCI Health marked National Hospital Week by celebrating the commitment and camaraderie of its co-workers at all locations in Orange and Los Angeles counties. This year’s…
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Orange, Calif. — Last week, UCI Health marked National Hospital Week by celebrating the commitment and camaraderie of its co-workers at all locations in Orange and Los Angeles counties. This year’s…
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IN THE NEWS: The function of memory is not fully understood by scientists, but researchers have some useful insights into why we can't remember everything. Dr. S. Ahmad Saijadi, a neurologist…
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IN THE NEWS: The nation’s nearly 1.3 million nursing home residents are at high risk of infection from antibiotic-resistant organisms. A recently published study, the PROTECT trial, provides a simple strategy…
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IN THE NEWS: The function of memory is not fully understood by scientists, but researchers have some useful insights into why we can't remember everything. Dr. S. Ahmad Saijadi, a neurologist…
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IN THE NEWS: The nation’s nearly 1.3 million nursing home residents are at high risk of infection from antibiotic-resistant organisms. A recently published study, the PROTECT trial, provides a simple strategy…
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IN THE NEWS: La construcción del centro médico UCI Health — Irvine es un logro extraordinario que podría tener un efercto domino en toda la industría de cuidado de salúd. Como…
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IN THE NEWS: The function of memory is not fully understood by scientists, but researchers have some useful insights into why we can't remember everything. Dr. S. Ahmad Saijadi, a neurologist…
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IN THE NEWS: The nation’s nearly 1.3 million nursing home residents are at high risk of infection from antibiotic-resistant organisms. A recently published study, the PROTECT trial, provides a simple strategy…
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IN THE NEWS: La construcción del centro médico UCI Health — Irvine es un logro extraordinario que podría tener un efercto domino en toda la industría de cuidado de salúd. Como…
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IN THE NEWS: Becker’s Hospital Review recognized two leaders at UCI Health in its annual list of Black Leaders in Healthcare to Know. Diversity in healthcare leadership results in a more well-rounded experience…
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IN THE NEWS: Becker’s Hospital Review recognized two leaders at UCI Health in its annual list of Black Leaders in Healthcare to Know. Diversity in healthcare leadership results in a more well-rounded experience…
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IN THE NEWS: Sustainability has not been the norm for hospitals, but the construction of UCI Health — Irvine could have ripple effects throughout the healthcare industry. As the first medical…
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IN THE NEWS: Sustainability has not been the norm for hospitals, but the construction of UCI Health — Irvine could have ripple effects throughout the healthcare industry. As the first medical…
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