IN THE NEWS: An ABC News report about Michigan’s attempts to curb childhood obesity cited UC Irvine pediatrician Dr. Dan Cooper, who questioned whether the effort’s reliance on the body…
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FEATURE: Dr. Robert E. Bristow, director of gynecologic oncology services for UCI Health, has medicine in his blood. His father was the first African American president of the American Medical…
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Citing the UC Irvine School of Medicine's award-winning Program in Geriatrics, the U.S. Administration on Aging has designated the university as the National Center on Elder Abuse, a clearinghouse for…
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RESEARCH: Aging is associated with progressive immunodeficiency (weakness of the immune system) that makes seniors more susceptible to infections and cancer. Volunteers are needed to participate in research that is…
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Donors who give blood at one of the season’s final two UCI Health/Angels Baseball blood drives on Aug. 30 and Sept. 6 at Angel Stadium will receive vouchers for four…
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IN THE NEWS: National Public Radio in Boston interviewed Dr. Ninh T. Nguyen about his study Trends in Bariatric Surgery, 2003−2008. Nguyen is the chief of the division of gastrointestinal…
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IN THE NEWS: A new study from researchers at UC Irvine, indicates that the use of central catheters caused more than half of the clots occurred occurred patients after surgery,…
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IN THE NEWS: More doctors are performing weight-loss surgery today, and hospitals are touting better survival rates, a new study finds. “We’ve identified a national trend in the use of…
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IN THE NEWS: The iPad was introduced in April of last year and UC Irvine put together an education program – the iMedEd Initiative – centered around the tablet just…
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